Amsterdam Ave – #412 (6 min to Central Park) - Bright bedroom in Upper West side Manhattan, right on Amsterdam Ave and 108th St. - Room has a HD TV, dresser, desk, chair, bed, Wifi and a closet. - 6 min walk to Central park, the biggest park in NYC, with fun activities all year round. - Washer / dryer in unit, 2 bathrooms. - 5 min to 1 train, 9 min to B train, 22 min to midtown Manhattan, 6 min walk to Central Park! - We are looking for someone who is clean, responsible with good energy. - Restaurants, cafes, bars, salons are 1 - 3 minute walk, you are in the center of a popping neighborhood. - Close to Columbia University, Central Park, Riverside Park as well as 1, B, and C subway lines - Utilities: $150 per month (internet, gas, heat, hot water) - There is a one-time room cleaning and administration cost of $12...
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